
set you off

By far, what reminds me I have this blog the most is not the actual people that read it but all the spam comments I seem to get. Last night I received 10 emails alone. Let me know if you need something called "sac burberry".


tom said...

looks like they are selling

purses ...

Unknown said...

Spam email better then no email...? : ) This of course comes from someone with none. I love your blog... Lots of feeling goes into it! x

amda said...

Thanks Hannah. The occasional comment from a real human being reminds me to update this site more often (:

todo es perfecto en mi locura ~ said...

hello your blogger is beautiful * - * greetings c:

Beth said...

Found your blog by accident. Sorry you have had so much heartbreak with your family situations. You are a great writer. Don't stop

God bless you