
New (Legit) Site?

Well, here's some breaking news for absolutely no one because no one reads this anyways.

I've decided to relocate to a new site, using Google Sites. It's a little bit more convenient, and it's a new idea for me. However, I'm not exactly sure how long-lived it will be. In terms of format, it's much easier to use Blogger because in general all I have to do is type and click; in Google Sites I have a bit more discretion of what I want and where. The organization here is much simpler, and I don't have to work quite so hard on it. But, at any case, I've been dreaming for a site for Hipsteradio since I created it here, so I'm going to try it out.

What will happen to this site? I have no clue. Like I've said before, I really want to keep it. It would be really helpful if I had some other authors who posted here, so that I had more ideas with what I should do.

The other Hipsteradio site is very...basic for now. I don't have any big ideas for it, and I don't even know how I want to format it.

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